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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The REAL Version of Family Saturdays

Every other weekend my wonderful hubby has 4 days off in a row and every other weekend we have such high hopes and plans and schemes as to how we are to spend the weekend together. It never goes according to plan and it usually ends up disasterous or frighteningly boring.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Monster Story

I started to write this last year and never finished it before lack of sunlight interfered with my writing skills. This week The Doodle-Bug turns two and we are to celebrate her awesomeness this weekend complete with Old McDonald everything. So to commemorate her second year of hilariousness, here is my story from a year ago. Enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Banana Bread

It never fails, I go to the grocery store and pick up a giant thing of bananas. The Monster really likes them but can only really eat 1 a day.   I being the aloof mother that I am, always forget to eat breakfast sooooo, we always have random groups of bananas in various stages of decay around the house. I freeze most of the brown ones and wait for a baking day where I can put them to good use. With my defunked gall bladder and my avoidance of further pain, I have had to research a lot of vegan recipes. This one is 98% vegan friendly and the other 2% went to the butter around the pan.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Rage O_o

I am a pretty easy going person but there are a few things that really grind my gears. Case in point, yuppies. I am a very simple person who likes a bargain, doesn't require much to live on and loves to up cycle things and give them a new life. I am a hippy as my husband calls me. I make worm "tea" from kitchen waste and my ever loyal worms, I organic garden and I love cooking and creating fantastic meals for my family. I also enjoy traveling and seeing as many beautiful things as I can while I am on this earth.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


This year for whatever reason, time has been a big factor in my life. I can feel it slipping away faster than I can schedule it. Don't get me wrong, I love being busy and having fun things to do but it seems like even the fun stuff feels like a chore. Everyone says that once you have a child, time flies by and they are right!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Day Taylor Swift Stalked Me

The other day, the Hubs and I were in the car getting stuff done. He has every other weekend off so we have exactly 48 hours to get things done. We were in and out of the car all day, going to get stuff from the hardware store, getting clothes to update our dilapidated wardrobes... it was a never ending cycle of in and out of the car and the one thing that I noticed, that every time we got in the car we heard a familiar sound.